Tito Gobbi, Maria Callas, Victor Godfrey, Renato Cioni, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House Convent Garden, Maria Callas, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House Convent Garden, Renato Cioni, Tito Gobbi, Victor Godfrey, Джакомо Пуччини — Tosca: Act One: Mario! Mario!... Son qui!

Tosca: Act One: Mario! Mario!... Son qui!
Tito Gobbi, Maria Callas, Victor Godfrey, Renato Cioni, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House Convent Garden, Maria Callas, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House Convent Garden, Renato Cioni, Tito Gobbi, Victor Godfrey, Джакомо Пуччини

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