Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Milada Šubrtová, Jan Hus Tichy, Bohumir Vich, Бедржих Сметана — The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 9: "Help us, dear people, help us!" (Jíra, poběhlík, Ludiše, Volframova dcera)

The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 9: "Help us, dear people, help us!" (Jíra, poběhlík, Ludiše, Volframova dcera)
Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Milada Šubrtová, Jan Hus Tichy, Bohumir Vich, Бедржих Сметана

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