Бенджамин Бриттен, The English Opera Group Orchestra, The Choir of Alleyn's School, The English Opera Group Orchestra, Benjamin Britten, The Choir of Alleyn's School — Let's Make an Opera, Op. 45, Pt. 3 "The Little Sweep", Scene 3: The Night Song, Audience Song III. "The Owl, Wide-Winging" (Choir)

Let's Make an Opera, Op. 45, Pt. 3 "The Little Sweep", Scene 3: The Night Song, Audience Song III. "The Owl, Wide-Winging" (Choir)
Бенджамин Бриттен, The English Opera Group Orchestra, The Choir of Alleyn's School, The English Opera Group Orchestra, Benjamin Britten, The Choir of Alleyn's School

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