John Bath, Stuart Chamber Orchestra, Henry Cummings, Eleanor Houston, Adele Leigh, Stuart Chamber Orchestra, John Bath, Eleanor Houston, Adele Leigh, Henry Cummings, Генри Пёрселл — Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III, Scene 2: Recitative. "Your Counsel All Is Urged in Vain" (Dido, Belinda, Aeneas)

Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III, Scene 2: Recitative. "Your Counsel All Is Urged in Vain" (Dido, Belinda, Aeneas)
John Bath, Stuart Chamber Orchestra, Henry Cummings, Eleanor Houston, Adele Leigh, Stuart Chamber Orchestra, John Bath, Eleanor Houston, Adele Leigh, Henry Cummings, Генри Пёрселл

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